Squeue “Reason” explained

Due to the way we have setup the batch system, jobs can sometimes display unexpected states in the squeue output. Here we describe some of the ones that can usually be ignored since they won’t normally affect a jobs ability to start.

  • AssocGrpBillingRunMinutes: The project’s currently active resources plus the pending job’s requested resources exceeds the limit of one monthly allocation being in use at any point in time. The pending job will eventually start, unless it, by itself, is larger than one monthly allocation for the project.

  • BadConstraints: Some contraint set on the job (-C/–contraint) is not available on some of the partitions the job has been sent to by our remapping script. This is not a problem since the batch system will only send the job to a partition which fulfills the contraint. If the jobs constraints can’t be fulfilled by any partition the job will stay in this state and never start.